Water Saving Tips from the City of Austin

As I’m sure you all know, Texas is in a drought. The most interesting fact about the lakes from LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) that just to show you how bad it is…


Lakes Travis and Buchanan are our region’s water supply reservoirs and currently hold about 754,392 acre-feet of water, 37% of their maximum capacity.

The city of Austin has a lot of great information on their website on how to conserve water all around your home or business. Here is what they say when it comes to irrigation:

  • Thoroughly check your system each spring when you first turn it on and repair any leaks as soon as possible.
  • Rebates may be available for upgrading your irrigation system to increase water-efficiency.
  • Adjust sprinklers so that only your lawn is being watered. Realign any heads that are spraying too high in the air, onto pavement or structures, or into tall grass or shrubs.
  • After each mowing, check to make sure sprinkler heads haven’t been broken or knocked out of alignment.
  • Use drip irrigation for bedded plants, shrubs, and trees to apply water directly to the roots where it’s needed.
  • Water your lawn during the early morning hours when temperatures and wind speed are the lowest to reduce evaporation and waste.

We all need to do our part when it comes to the Texas drought. Make sure you’re not wasting water when you’re working on your yard and save money in the process. It really is a win win!